President’s Message

Well, here it is the end of another year. It has been a very hectic and sometimes frightening one. I encourage each and all of you to attend the meeting on January 8th at Kevin Menegus’s home. We will be discussing some very important items and making decisions on them that day. This is to make the guild continue to be strong and healthy. Let’s face it folks, just a few (very few) members are contributing to keep meetings and such moving. Therefore, we have to make it easier for those few to continue to keep the guild rolling. Issues we will come to terms with are:
a) How many meetings a year?
b) What type of program content?
c) Where should we hold these events?
d) Who is responsible for making these things happen?
e) What about the newsletter? Do we have a new venue?
f) Any other things of importance.
And so I ask again that all members who have an opinion on this come to the meeting or reach me via phone (51O) 351-4five22 or email ( with your concerns. Now is the time to make your voice heard.
Thank you, Randal.